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    TBBT Quiz: Only A Real Penny Fan Will Pass This Quiz

    Everyone has their favorite Big Bang Theory character. However, there is one character who is loved by everyone and that character is none other than, Penny. Arriving in California as a stranger,  Penny at first couldn’t seem much more different from her new pals. However, as the show grew, Penny unmistakably became “one of the gang”. Over the course of the show, she certainly had one of the more substantial character arcs.

    All of us have to admit that Penny was the most loved character from The Big Bang Theory. So, why shouldn’t we check how well we know Penny Hofstadter? Let’s check it out.


    When did Leonard & Penny kiss for the first time according to Penny?

    Penny Kisses Sheldon
    Correct! Wrong!

    Where did Penny and Leonard get married for the first time?

    Johnny Galecki Playing Leonard
    Correct! Wrong!


    What was the name of Penny's dog?

    Penny and sheldon Team in Scavenger Hunt
    Correct! Wrong!

    What Does The Chinese Symbol For Courage Tattoo'd On Penny's Butt Cheek Actually Say?

    raj talked on TBBT
    Correct! Wrong!


    Penny is a "vegetarian" but which nonvegetarian dish she loves?

    Sheldon’s Birthday and Penny
    Correct! Wrong!

    What is Penny's last name?

    Sheldon Overwhelmed By Penny’s Acting
    Correct! Wrong!


    What is Penny's star sign?

    Penny crying
    Correct! Wrong!

    Penny carried the same colored purse throughout her character's journey on the show. What was its color?

    When Penny Dislocated Her Hand and Sheldon took her
    Correct! Wrong!


    For which reason, Penny's brother went to jail?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Among the boys, who didn't see Penny naked?

    Sheldon Supports Penny’s Dreams
    Correct! Wrong!


    What is the name of Penny's Father?

    Name of Penny's Father
    Correct! Wrong!

    According to Penny, the Cold War happened in which season?

    Stuart Saying “I love you” To Penny
    Correct! Wrong!


    Which is Penny's native region?

    Penny & Sheldon, Sick Together
    Correct! Wrong!

    For how long did Penny hug Leonard when he was going to the North Pole?

    Sheldon Parsons Using “Bazinga”
    Correct! Wrong!


    Which online game did Penny get addicted to?

    Raj hindi in TBBT
    Correct! Wrong!

    TBBT Quiz: Only A Real Penny Fan Will Pass This Quiz
    Have you really watched the show???

    Sheldon's Cat Allergy

    Time to watch the show again....

    Penny and sheldon Team in Scavenger Hunt

    Time to get Sheldon's hug....

    Penny Is More Of A Nanny To Sheldon

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