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    TBBT Quiz: Only A Real Sheldon Fan Will Pass The Quiz

    Everyone loves The Big Bang Theory. Most of us claim to know every character we love from the show. But do you actually know them? Let’s check your knowledge about the most famous character from the show, Sheldon Cooper.


    What is the name of Sheldon's mother?

    Sheldon Overwhelmed By Penny’s Acting
    Correct! Wrong!

    On which topic was Sheldon's second research at Caltech?

    When Penny Dislocated Her Hand and Sheldon took her
    Correct! Wrong!


    Who's Sheldon's favorite character from 'Lord of The Rings?’

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which music instrument does Sheldon play?

    sheldon and penny Conducts An Experiment
    Correct! Wrong!


    What did Sheldon call Amy, when he saw her for the first time in her wedding dress?

    Raj hindi in TBBT
    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the name of Sheldon's job?

    Joyce Kim on TBBT
    Correct! Wrong!


    Which department of science does he loathe?

    Correct! Wrong!

    How many siblings does Sheldon have?

    raj talked on TBBT
    Correct! Wrong!


    Meemaw's which dish does Sheldon love the most?

    Sheldon's Cat Allergy
    Correct! Wrong!

    For which discovery, Sheldon and Amy win the Nobel Prize?

    Sheldon and Amy won nobel prize
    Correct! Wrong!


    Whose advice does Sheldon listen to the most?

    Sheldon’s Birthday and Penny
    Correct! Wrong!

    Which food's shape is Sheldon's favorite?

    Sheldon Supports Penny’s Dreams
    Correct! Wrong!


    What is Sheldon's native region?

    Can Sheldon Dance
    Correct! Wrong!

    What does Sheldon hate most about Christmas?

    penny and sheldon first hug
    Correct! Wrong!


    Which religion does Sheldon follow?

    Sheldon Teaches Physics To Penny
    Correct! Wrong!

    TBBT Quiz: Only A Real Sheldon Fan Will Pass The Quiz
    You must get spanked.....

    Spanking scene of Sheldon and Amy

    Time to watch the show again...

    Penny & Sheldon, Sick Together

    You will be rewarded with one-time opportunity to sit on Sheldon's spot....

    Sheldon's Cat Allergy

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