FRIENDS Quiz: Can You Associate The Scene With Its Season?


    The one where they play football on Thanksgiving.

    The One Where Monica And Chandler Looked Like A Couple Before Even Being One
    Correct! Wrong!

    The one where Joey wears all of Chandler's clothes.

    Joey Wears All Of Chandler’s Clothes
    Correct! Wrong!


    The one where Ross teaches about Unagi to Phoebe and Rachel.

    ross and his unagi pose
    Correct! Wrong!

    The one where Chandler's colleague, Wendy tries to seduce him on Christmas.

    Correct! Wrong!


    The one where they played drop the ball.

    The One Where Monica Ruins The Ball Toss Game
    Correct! Wrong!

    The one where Ross and Rachel hire a male nanny, Manny.

    ross and rachel with male nanny
    Correct! Wrong!


    The one where Ross starts dating Julie.

    Ross And Julie
    Correct! Wrong!

    The one where Phoebe gives birth to triplets.

    When Phoebe let go her triplets
    Correct! Wrong!


    The one where Phoebe kisses Gunther.

    gunther kisses phoebe
    Correct! Wrong!

    The one where Joey kisses Chandler.

    Joey Kisses Chandler On New Years Eve
    Correct! Wrong!

    FRIENDS Quiz: Can You Associate The Scene With Its Season?
    Are you on a break with FRIENDS???


    Finally, we have got our FRIENDS nerd!!!!!!

    Monica's Catwoman Suit