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    FRIENDS Quiz: Remember Everything About FRIENDS? Take This Quiz To Check

    It’s been more than one and a half-decade since our favorite show FRIENDS ended. It is known as one of the best sitcoms of all time, simply because it is heartwarming, hilarious, and relatable. The show follows the lives of six different characters and their relationships with each other and others. FRIENDS not only made a huge place in the hearts of millions worldwide but also set an incredibly high standard for other sitcoms.

    NBC’s hit sitcom from the ’90s, FRIENDS was one of the best shows of its time, and still, it is on the binge-watch list of almost every fan. Their comedy, connection, bond, struggles are just inevitable. It is just the perfect show to watch anytime, anywhere and it will instantly put you in good mood. It was not the usual family drama, but a fresh, new, and unusual show which resonated with youngsters to an extent that even the upcoming generations can also watch and relate to the series.

    But, do you think that even after watching the show so many times, you remember the show in and out? Well, it is time to check your focus and memory right now while watching FRIENDS. To check if you remember things about FRIENDS or not, take this quick quiz and get the answer yourself. We just hope that you don’t get stuck in the second question and make it to the end of the quiz.


    Remember when Monica briefly worked at a retro diner as a server? Would you happen to remember the exact name of the diner where she did her YMCA routine?

    monica geller is the best cook
    Correct! Wrong!

    Chandler broke the 'bro code', cheated on Joey and kissed the girl Joey was seeing. Who was that girlfriend?

    Joey and Chandler Are Robbed
    Correct! Wrong!


    We know that Chandler was the one to say the closing lines on the show. What does he say?

    real reason why friends show ended
    Correct! Wrong!

    So Phoebe officially changes her name to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock and 'inspired' by this Mike changes his name to?

    Phoebe's Supergirl Costume
    Correct! Wrong!


    For a brief amount of time, Joey and Chandler weren't roommates. Who replaces Joey as Chandler's new roommate?

    When Joey Moved Out
    Correct! Wrong!

    What did Ross name his white-headed pet capuchin monkey?

    ross with marcel
    Correct! Wrong!


    Remember when Monica, Chandler and Joey are on a beach and Monica gets stung by a jellyfish? Who pees on her leg to relieve the pain?

    chandler monica joey
    Correct! Wrong!

    How many times has Ross Geller been married and divorced?

    Correct! Wrong!


    We all know that Joey's soulmate was his recliner. Do you happen to remember his precious chair's name?

    chandler and joey recliners
    Correct! Wrong!

    Ross sings a little something to make baby Emma laugh? Would you happen to remember what it was?

    Ross holding baby emma in his hands
    Correct! Wrong!

    FRIENDS Quiz: Remember Everything About FRIENDS? Take This Quiz To Check
    You almost had it..........

    Chandler and Ross

    Could you be anymore FRIENDS fan????

    Phoebe, Parker and Monica in a party

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