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    FRIENDS Quiz: Who Said This Dialogue?

    FRIENDS is a 90s show that impacted a lot of us. It taught us a lot about love, friendship, and city life. There’s a lesson every 20-year-old something can relate to in every episode you watch. Most of us even wondered what it would feel like to live in New York City with friends just around the corner. This show will be enough to reveal that how it would feel like to have your friends around every time and in every thicks and thins.

    This show does a great job of making us laugh at worries. With this show, you can always just laugh it off and move on at the end of the day. Apart from that, this show also does a great job at throwing lines our way. These lines will always stick with us forever. But, even after watching it so many times, it is hard to remember who said which lines. However, if you think that it is a piece of cake for you, then here is the toughest quiz for you that will leave you scratching your head.


    You threw my sandwich away?

    Correct! Wrong!

    If I had to, I’d pee on any one of you!

    Correct! Wrong!


    One day, kids will wonder who'd win in a fight: me or Superman.

    chandler funny reaction to rachel
    Correct! Wrong!

    You can’t just give up. Is that what a dinosaur would do?

    ross's reaction
    Correct! Wrong!


    And remember, if I'm harsh with you, it's only because you're doing it wrong.

    Chandler Bing
    Correct! Wrong!

    The more I drink, the less there is for the kids to drink.

    chandler being cute
    Correct! Wrong!


    When I walk outside naked, people throw garbage at me.

    joey and ross
    Correct! Wrong!

    Welcome to the real world. It sucks.

    Friends character joey and chandler
    Correct! Wrong!


    Oh, I’m sorry. Did my back hurt your knife?

    Correct! Wrong!

    These are the people who never get cancer. They're happy with what they have, they're basically content, like ... cows.

    the fashion icons of 90s
    Correct! Wrong!

    FRIENDS Quiz: Who Said This Dialogue?
    Your watching the show is a MOO point!!

    Finally, we have found our FRIENDS nerd... Congrats!!

    Chandler Bing

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