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    FRIENDS Quiz: Only True Fans Can Complete These Dialogues!

    You might have watched FRIENDS a lot many times. But have you watched it minutely enough to answer the questions below?

    We have gathered some very special and not so easy dialogues from FRIENDS. Only a fan who has watched the show multiple times will be able to answer all of them. So are you ready to take this quiz? Go, dig in!

    You will have to answer each and every question to proceed to the next question! You can’t skip any, because that’s not something a true fan will do! There are 15 questions in total, let’s see how many can you answer correctly.


    Phoebe: "Come on, you're a paleontologist, ..........."

    Phoebe Look Like An Oh-So-Chic Retro Barbie In '60s-Inspired Pink And White Shift Dress
    Correct! Wrong!

    Monica: "If you're too afraid to be in a relationship ..........."

    Correct! Wrong!


    Finish the conversation! Ross: "Unagi. I'm always aware."

    ross and his unagi pose
    Correct! Wrong!

    Monica: "My motto is to get out before they go down. Joey: ..............."

    joey and rachel doing breakfast
    Correct! Wrong!


    Phoebe: "It's so exhausting, ........."

    The One With Phoebe’s Déjà Vu
    Correct! Wrong!

    Janice: "I'll write you every day, ......... Yemen Road, Yemen"

    chandler and janice
    Correct! Wrong!


    Chandler: “Okay, you have to stop the Q-Tip when ..........."

    Joey and Chandler Are Robbed
    Correct! Wrong!

    Chandler: "Gum would be....."

    chandler with magna doodle
    Correct! Wrong!


    Rachel: "Well, maybe I don’t need your money. ............."

    Correct! Wrong!

    Chandler: "If I don't input these numbers ............"

    chandler bing
    Correct! Wrong!


    Rachel: “Today, it’s like there’s rock bottom, ............"

    Correct! Wrong!

    Chandler: "I'm not great at the advice, ...............?"

    chandler bing from friends quiz
    Correct! Wrong!


    Joey: "Paper! Snow! ..........!"

    joey tribianni in pyramid game saying paper, snow, a ghost
    Correct! Wrong!

    Phoebe: “This is the nicest kitchen .........."

    Correct! Wrong!


    Chandler: "Hi, I'm Chandler ..........."

    Correct! Wrong!

    FRIENDS QUIZ: Complete These Dialogues From The Show
    Seriously! Are you on a Break with FRIENDS?

    When Ross Got Ready To Take Rachel To Her Prom

    Oh! That's not quite impressive, maybe you can start watching FRIENDS again!
    Give some more efforts, Punk!

    The One With Phoebe’s Déjà Vu

    Superb! You are a True FRIENDS Fan!

    friends cast being compared with their real life actors

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